National Drive Electric Week went heavily virtual this year and we went with it. Many hosts organized large – national scale events on great topics that would normally have been addressed during our in-person event. So, we went hyper-local with the help of our 4 presenters. We met with the Austin Energy Emerging Tech team, learned about what to avoid when installing home charging with Smart Charge America, visited Moment Motors, an Austin based custom electric vehicle shop, and learned about state-wide issues to watch during the upcoming legislative session with TxETRA. Thanks so much to our presenters: Amy Atchley and Bobby Godsey from Austin Energy, Marc Davis with Moment Motor Co., Joseph Barletta from Smart Charge America, and Tom “Smitty” Smith from TxETRA. AND, all the AustinEV members who brought their great questions. We all had a great time!
Session recordings:
Session recorded on 9/28/2020
Session recorded on 9/29/2020
Session recorded on 9/30/2020
Session recorded on 10/1/2020