Drive Electric Earth Month is in April.
To celebrate it, we are creating an electric vehicle (EV) road rally on Sunday, April 6th at 9:30 AM. The goal is to have some fun, even if you don’t have an electric vehicle. We will drive our EVs from Austin to another town. Along the way, Driver-Navigator teams will look out their windows to answer questions like:
“What color is the house on the corner of 5th and Main?”
“What animal is on the mailbox at 123 Main Street?”
The route (approximately 50 miles round trip) will take us to a restaurant where we can get lunch, review answers, and maybe do an EV trivia contest. AustinEV even offered to get some prizes.
Want to participate but don’t have an EV? We can match you onto a team.
Got an EV but not a Navigator? We can match someone without an EV onto your team.