Aaron Choate

Austin, TX

I have enjoyed a career in digital libraries development, digitization, digital preservation, internet & web applications and technology integration program management. I now work at the University of Texas Libraries as the Director of Research & Strategy guiding our exploration of the impact technology innovations have on our systems and services and the people that rely on them. During my “spare” time, I work to tinker with sustainable technologies, machine learning, robotics/automation, obsess over advances in transportation and design and build custom electric vehicles. Once we even had a company that did this work for others through REVOLT Electric Vehicles. I continue to support the electric vehicle community in Austin, TX through AustinEV as well as national electric vehicle efforts as the Director for Technology and Strategy for the Electric Auto Association. I have a continued fascination with sustainable technologies, automation, connectivity, electric vehicles and transportation.

Author's posts

National Drive Electric Week – Austin

Join us on September 19 to celebrate National Drive Electric week. We’ll be gathering at: Northwest Recreation Center 2913 Northland Dr Austin, TX 78757 on September 19 from 10am to 4pm We will be showing and giving rides in a variety of electric cars that are available today. Let us know you are coming and what you …

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Invite: Texas Workplace Charging Road Show

The Texas Workplace Charging Road Show will be in Austin on Wednesday July 29. As of this posting, they still have several seats available. Visit TXworkplacecharging.eventbrite.com to register. Texas Workplace Charging Road Show Flyer

Meeting – 2015-07-07 – Some fear change, others drive it. Lead the charge!

Austin, TX has been home to many tech trends, but none quite as gripping as the EV movement. If you’re thinking of owning an EV, owned one for years or are even a conversion enthusiast, Austin Electric Vehicle Association (AustinEV) invites you to join us next Tuesday July 7, 2015 from 6:30-8:30pm at the WHOLEFOODS …

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Crosspost: First UU Church Green Sanctuary Alternative Vehicles Fair, April 12

Sunday April 12, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin is holding an electric and alternative vehicles fair, with a chance to hear Zach Baumer, manager of the Austin Climate Protection Program in the City of Austin’s Office of Sustainability. If you’re going or showing your vehicle, take photos or report the experience back to us! Texas Health …

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Meeting – 2015-03-03 – In the future there will be no gas stations

Chevy Bolt 2015 Concept

Come join our talk about the future of EV technology and advancement!  Austin, TX on March 3, 2015 in celebration of AustinEV’s Quarterly Round-up Austin, TX has been home to many tech trends, but none as gripping as the EV movement. If you’re thinking of owning an EV, owned one for years or are even …

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Meeting – 2014-10-09

AustinEV reserved the Domain Whole Foods 2nd Floor Community Room on Thursday, October 9th, from 6:30-8pm to discuss the November Food Drive and other concerns. Please join us and invite others! Let us know you’re coming on our facebook event page

Wrap Up: National Drive Electric Week, 2014

This year’s National Drive Electric Week “Picnic in the Park” ended up being “rain AND shine” The first car to roll in was Ed F.’s Tesla Model S, with 10,310 oil-free miles, soon to be joined by 23 other electric vehicles for a combined (recorded) total of 275,841 oil-free miles on the road! This year …

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Joseph Barletta on Shades of Green podcast

AustinEV operating partner and owner of Smart Charge Residential Joseph Barletta, was a guest on KOOP radio’s Shades of Green talk show sharing information regarding the National Drive Electric Week event. Aren’t you listening to the show anyway? But in case you missed it, the podcast is available for your listening pleasure.

Picnic in the Park Schedule

EVENT SCHEDULE (RAIN OR SHINE!) for the National Drive Electric Week Picnic in the Park Electric Vehicle Gathering http://bit.ly/evpicnic September 20th at the Northwest Recreation Center 10:30-noon: Speakers (inside Recreation Center) noon-2: Ride & Drive (depending on the rain) Live music from Kathy and the Kilowatts 2pm Group photo with owners and vehicles showing their “EV-love” …

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It has a name! Austin Picnic in the Park, September 20, 2014

We’re finalizing the details! It’s going to be a party with a photograph! Bring your park-safe picnic for some socializing and entertainment, then take part in an aerial-view heart showing how much you love your EV! We have hopes that a special invitation can get their vehicle out of California in time, and another can …

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