Aaron Choate

Austin, TX

I have enjoyed a career in digital libraries development, digitization, digital preservation, internet & web applications and technology integration program management. I now work at the University of Texas Libraries as the Director of Research & Strategy guiding our exploration of the impact technology innovations have on our systems and services and the people that rely on them. During my “spare” time, I work to tinker with sustainable technologies, machine learning, robotics/automation, obsess over advances in transportation and design and build custom electric vehicles. Once we even had a company that did this work for others through REVOLT Electric Vehicles. I continue to support the electric vehicle community in Austin, TX through AustinEV as well as national electric vehicle efforts as the Director for Technology and Strategy for the Electric Auto Association. I have a continued fascination with sustainable technologies, automation, connectivity, electric vehicles and transportation.

Author's posts

2014 Renewable Energy Roundup passes

The 2014 Renewable Energy Roundup has been announced for September 26-28 this year.  The event is moving to Belton, TX at the Bell County Expo Center.  If you would like to support AustinEV, and register for tickets online, please use the code AEVARPC14 when you register at their site.  AustinEV will earn $5 when you do so. …

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National Drive Electric Week

National Drive Electric Week logo

This year’s National Plug in Day has been extended to a full week for celebration. Mark your calendars for September 15-21 and register at the National Drive Electric Week Event. We are still planning the details, but if you haven’t finished your conversion or are still debating which electric vehicle to buy or lease, you …

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3rd Annual National Plug in Day Austin 2013 Wrap-up

Alan and his Karma (photo by Larry Schuler)

The first EV to appear during set up was a Fisker Karma, and its driver, Alan, kindly agreed to check in the rest of the vehicles that silently rolled into the parking lot for the next hour, representing over 199,000 oil-free miles in celebration of Austin’s contribution to the Third Annual National Plug in Day. …

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National Plug-in Day 2013

AustinEV and several Central Texas vehicle groups will be hosting the 2013 National Plug-in Event for Austin, TX. It will be on September 29th (Sunday) and we want you to show your cars! If you would like to register to attend, show a car or to volunteer, please add yourself and your vehicle details here: …

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AustinEV list is moving – action required

We are moving the AustinEV discussion list to Google Groups and shutting the old list down. If you would like to subscribe to the new list, please go to http://groups.google.com/group/austinev and subscribe by tomorrow, August 6. While Google Groups has a web interface for those who prefer to interact with the list as a forum, …

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AustinEV at the Austin Mini Maker Faire

We had a great day out at the Faire.  Thanks to Aaron, Ben, Fred, Brian and Chris for showing the cars and to all the great people who stopped by to chat!

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Come see some home built electric vehicles at the Austin Mini Maker Faire

AustinEV will be showing member-built electric vehicles at the Austin mini-Maker Faire this Sunday, May 5.  We’re looking forward to all the tinkering. Austin Mini Maker Faire

Meeting – 2013-02-09

Many of you who have been members of AustinEV for a long time may remember Mark Kapner and his storied electric Geo Metro. Well after a long absence, Mark’s back, and he’s just recently bought himself one of these and would like to show it to us: http://thinkev.leftbankcompanies.com/why-think-city/ I’ve seen pictures of the Think City …

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No more rebate from Austin Energy for conversions

From a member’s post to the AustinEV list — .. “Well, during the application process, Austin Energy let me know that they would no longer be offering the 1/2 back rebate for conversion EVs. My rebate would be the last one offered for a conversion EV. You can still get the 1/2 back rebate for …

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Meeting – 2012-03-10

For our inaugural “casual gathering”, I’ve followed Mark Witt’s suggestion of going to the Rockin’ Tomato on South Lamar. The owner (who has an interest in EVs himself) has offered us some tables and a few reserved spaces if we want to bring cars to show. There are a couple 120VAC outlets available as well …

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