Aaron Choate

Austin, TX

I have enjoyed a career in digital libraries development, digitization, digital preservation, internet & web applications and technology integration program management. I now work at the University of Texas Libraries as the Director of Research & Strategy guiding our exploration of the impact technology innovations have on our systems and services and the people that rely on them. During my “spare” time, I work to tinker with sustainable technologies, machine learning, robotics/automation, obsess over advances in transportation and design and build custom electric vehicles. Once we even had a company that did this work for others through REVOLT Electric Vehicles. I continue to support the electric vehicle community in Austin, TX through AustinEV as well as national electric vehicle efforts as the Director for Technology and Strategy for the Electric Auto Association. I have a continued fascination with sustainable technologies, automation, connectivity, electric vehicles and transportation.

Author's posts

Meeting – 2003-10-25

Saturday October 25th, 2003 at 2:00 We met at Aaron Choate’s house this month.

Event – 2003-10-11and12

Saturday and Sunday October 11 and 12, 2003 AustinEV showed two vehicles at the Austin Green Festival. We would like to thank the organizers of the event for making our attendance possible. The Green Festivals are ongoing events. To learn more about future events, please visit the Festival’s web site for more details. The Green Festival, …

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Event – 2003-09-26to28

Friday September 26th at Noon to 3:00 PM Sunday the 28th, 2003 AustinEV showed two electric vehicles at the Fourth Annual Renewable Energy Roundup and Green Living Fair Market Square, downtown Fredericksburg, TX Visit the Fair’s web site for more details.

Meeting – 2003-08-23

Saturday August 23rd, 2003 — 2:00 PM We met at Christopher Robison’s house this month.

Meeting – 2003-07-26

Saturday July 26th, 2003 — 2:00 PM We met at Christopher Robison’s house this month.

Meeting – 2003-06-28

Saturday June 28th, 2003 — 2:00 PM We were hosted by KVUE this month. Thanks to them for providing the meeting space.

Event – 2003-04-27

Sunday April 27, 2003 — 12-6PM AustinEV displayed several vehicles at the Earth Day Expo on the west side of Auditorium Shores.

Meeting – 2003-03-29

Saturday March 29, 2003 — 2:00 PM We met at NCSoft this month. Many thanks to them for providing a conference room for our meeting. 9 people in attendance and 1 EV

Meeting – 2003-03-24

Saturday May 24th, 2003 — 2:00 PM We met at NCSoft this month. Many thanks to them for providing a conference room for our meeting.

Meeting – 2003-02-22

February 22, 2003 — 2:00 PM We met at Aaron Choate’s house this month. 9 people in attendance and 1 EV Photos from this meeting