Join us virtually in Austin to celebrate Drive Electric Week from September 25 – October 3, 2021.
We will schedule several sessions highlighting what Austinites are doing to support the transition to electric transportation.
Current Agenda:
9/28 @ noon — Public EV Charging Infrastructure, how much will Texas need?
[RSVP for this session here]
9/29 @ noon — DIY perspectives on EV conversions
[RSVP for this session here]
9/30 @ noon — Partnering across sectors to clean south-central texas’ air
[RSVP for this session here]
9/30 @ 7pm — All in! Powering your electric car and house with Tesla Solar
[RSVP for this session here]
10/1 @ noon — Electric lunch with the Austin Energy EV team
[RSVP for this session here]
These sessions are a part of AustinEV’s participation in Drive Electric Week.
Please register for the event here for a chance to win the $250 gift card and share what EV you drive!
All EVs and EV enthusiasts welcome!