The 2014 Renewable Energy Roundup has been announced for September 26-28 this year. The event is moving to Belton, TX at the Bell County Expo Center. If you would like to support AustinEV, and register for tickets online, please use the code AEVARPC14 when you register at their site. AustinEV will earn $5 when you do so. Thanks.
Jul 24
National Drive Electric Week
This year’s National Plug in Day has been extended to a full week for celebration. Mark your calendars for September 15-21 and register at the National Drive Electric Week Event.
We are still planning the details, but if you haven’t finished your conversion or are still debating which electric vehicle to buy or lease, you still have time!
Sep 30
3rd Annual National Plug in Day Austin 2013 Wrap-up
The first EV to appear during set up was a Fisker Karma, and its driver, Alan, kindly agreed to check in the rest of the vehicles that silently rolled into the parking lot for the next hour, representing over 199,000 oil-free miles in celebration of Austin’s contribution to the Third Annual National Plug in Day.
We were enthused to see many dual-EV families, and the number of Teslas and Volts represented was only eclipsed by the number of Leafs. Despite the rain (which we were strangely excited to see), all eleven types of vehicles signed up for the event were represented, including the Nissan LEAF, Chevrolet Volt, Tesla Model S, Ford’s C-Max Energi, Fusion Energi, and Focus Electric, Toyota RAV4 EV (2012 and later), Think City, Fisker Karma, a Vetrix scooter, and several conversions.

Alan and his Karma (photo by Larry Schuler). Warning: if you’re the first to arrive, you’ll often be the first to be drafted to help out, too! Thanks, Alan!
The talks were well-attended. Dale Bulla of Interfaith Environmental Network demonstrated the ease of vehicle charging from solar panels and resulted in several owners who do charge their plug-in vehicles from solar pointing out that we should have had “coal-free miles” as well as “oil-free miles” numbers being tallied. Actacell‘s Director of Product Management (and longtime Austin EV member) Marc Kohler presented useful and interesting information unique to plug-in vehicles, and Austin Leaf Owner’s Group and event sponsor Tim Ziegner’s panel talk extended well beyond the end time, proving the passion owners have for their electric vehicles and, we’re fairly certain, influencing several non-EV owners to make the commitment to purchasing or leasing an EV as their next vehicle. Because of time restrictions, Chris Robison of REVOLT Electric Vehicles (and longtime Austin EV member) wasn’t able to give his presentation on the future of home-brew, but he did speak one-on-one with several individuals before we wrapped up and the cars drove away from the lot as silently as they arrived.
We want to extend our appreciation to everyone who attended, presented, helped, participated in the Ride & Drive, and/or exhibited, including Town North Nissan, SunPower Corporation Texas, the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, Austin Energy, and REVOLT Electric Vehicles. Also thanks to Tesla Owners of Texas, the Austin Leaf Owners Group and other vehicle clubs who we may not have mentioned, Larry S (for also decorating his Volt with donuts and taking photographs – linked from the Austin EV event page for the day and from where we borrowed the picture of the Karma), Brian L (for also bringing banana bread and substantially helping with cleanup), Heidi and Ken (for also helping reorganize the food and drinks), as well as Austera (Tim Ziegner) and REVOLT (Aaron Choate & Cara Fealy) for organizing and offsetting the cost of the event by providing local sponsorship.
Please direct us to any omissions or errors in our wrap-up and links to photos of the event in the comments below. and any additional comments or feedback you may have are greatly appreciated. We had fun, and we hope you did as well!
Aug 29
National Plug-in Day 2013
AustinEV and several Central Texas vehicle groups will be hosting the 2013 National Plug-in Event for Austin, TX.
It will be on September 29th (Sunday) and we want you to show your cars!
If you would like to register to attend, show a car or to volunteer, please add yourself and your vehicle details here:
(updated 9/13/2013)
Join Austin, TX area electric vehicle enthusiasts for an electric vehicle display and presentations on Sunday, September 29 from 10am to 3pm at the Northwest Recreation Center. We will have all kinds of electric vehicles on display and their owners will be there to talk about how their electric vehicles fit into their lives.
(updated 9/23/2013)
(updated 9/25/2013)
(updated 9/26/2013)
Mark W. is coordinating an electric scooter/motorcycle ride that will depart from the Plug-in venue Sunday about 3:30 pm (weather permitting)..
Aug 05
AustinEV list is moving – action required
We are moving the AustinEV discussion list to Google
Groups and shutting the old list down. If you would like to subscribe
to the new list, please go to
and subscribe by tomorrow, August 6.
While Google Groups has a web interface for those who prefer to
interact with the list as a forum, the new list is set to reproduce
the function of the old list as a discussion list and should default
to email delivery in the settings.
May 06
AustinEV at the Austin Mini Maker Faire
We had a great day out at the Faire. Thanks to Aaron, Ben, Fred, Brian and Chris for showing the cars and to all the great people who stopped by to chat!
May 04
Come see some home built electric vehicles at the Austin Mini Maker Faire
AustinEV will be showing member-built electric vehicles at the Austin mini-Maker Faire this Sunday, May 5. We’re looking forward to all the tinkering.
Feb 05
Meeting – 2013-02-09
Many of you who have been members of AustinEV for a long time may
remember Mark Kapner and his storied electric Geo Metro. Well after a
long absence, Mark’s back, and he’s just recently bought himself one of
these and would like to show it to us:
I’ve seen pictures of the Think City EV over the years, but have never
gotten to see one of these Scandinavian cars in person. If you’d like to
check it out and maybe hear about what Mark’s been up to in the
meantime, and maybe bring your own EV to show off as well, put our
meeting for February on your calendar.
Food and conversation with AustinEV
When: Saturday, February 9 2012, 5pm
Where: Rockin’ Tomato Pizza, 3003 S. Lamar Blvd, 78704
Hope to see you there!
Mar 03
Meeting – 2012-03-10
For our inaugural “casual gathering”, I’ve followed Mark Witt’s suggestion
of going to the Rockin’ Tomato on South Lamar. The owner (who has an
interest in EVs himself) has offered us some tables and a few reserved
spaces if we want to bring cars to show. There are a couple 120VAC outlets
available as well for scooters or to put a little into your EV while you
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