Fully Charged Live on February 1st & 2nd

Join all the fun at Fully Charged Live this weekend. The partners have been hard at work pulling together a great show. The final program has been released and this promises to be a fun electric vehicle gathering with cars on display and presentations. A great place to meet the people doing things to make this real.

Come say hello in the EV Corral and the Ride & Drive! We have a great group of owners who would be happy to share their experiences driving electric!

More about Fully Charged Live North America

Show your EV in the EV Corral at the Fully Charged Live event


Fully Charged Live is coming to Austin February 1st & 2nd 2020
and you can be a part of the show!

The Electric Auto Association is coordinating an EV Corral during the two days of the event where you can show your electric car or volunteer to share your experiences as an EV owner.

We are looking for examples of all the types of electric vehicles you can buy today in the United States. Factory produced or custom conversion, all are invited to share their experiences.

Register your vehicle to display / ride along or sign up to volunteer at:


Sign up for a 4 hour shift and you will get free admittance
for the rest of the day’s schedule.

More about Fully Charged Live North America

New resource for Austinites Looking to Buy Electric

Austin Energy has released a new website dedicated to helping Austinites choose the electric vehicle that is best for them and explore the incentives that may be available to help them make the purchase.

Visit: https://ev.austinenergy.com/

A conversation with Guy Hall

AustinEV chapter members met for a lunch at Blacks BBQ to visit with Guy Hall (Chief Strategy Officer, Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association – President Emeritus, Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association – Board Secretary Electric Auto Association, Director Sacramento Clean Cities Board). The group talked about how the Electric Auto Association can better support the chapter and started planning for how the Austin chapter can play a part in the Fully Charged Live Event coming to Austin in February 2020 (more on this later).

Don’t Be Fuelish: The Future of Passenger Vehicles in Texas – 2019-04-25

Join the Austin chapter of the Electric Auto Association for:

Don’t Be Fuelish: The Future of Passenger Vehicles in Texas

April 25 – 6:30 to 8 pm – JCC Austin – Room 150d – 7300 Hart Lane, Austin, TX

Internal combustion engines are outdated; clean car technology is already good and getting better all the time. So why are we still stuck in the gasoline era, and what will it take to end it?

Performance Art Piece Performed by Coltura Members

[Please let us know you will be attending by RSVPing]

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Austin Eco Network – On trying to buy an electric car in Austin

We support EVs here in Austin right?  Read about Amy’s adventure trying to get one…


Amy saying goodbye to her Honda Civic

Amy saying goodbye to her Honda Civic

National Drive Electric Week 2018


EVENT CANCELED – The weather forecast for the 15th has storms hitting Austin all day – we are canceling the Austin event


Join us to celebrate National Drive Electric Week Saturday, September 15th, and climb into the driver’s seat of the newest electric vehicles available in Austin! We will be presenting the latest electric cars, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, buses, skateboards and bikes.

Grab lunch from one of our food trucks and enjoy the live music, workshops and activities for kids!

Day: Saturday, September 15, 2018
Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Location: Electric Dr
900 Electric Dr
Austin, TX 78703

For more information and to sign up to show your electric vehicle, you can visit the event page on the National Drive Electric Week site.

Many thanks to our local sponsors:

Super Charger Sponsors:
Austin Energy, TxETRA and Smart Charge America

Level 2 Sponsors:
Native Solar

Partners Include:
Earth Day Austin and Austin EcoNetwork

National Drive Electric Week – Austin (2017)

Day: Saturday, September 16, 2017
Time: 9AM – 1PM
Location: Sunset Valley Farmers Market (Tony Burger Center)
3200 Jones Rd
Austin, TX 78745
Registration: NDEW – Austin event page
Come meet EVs and their drivers! Requests to ride or drive vehicles welcome.
NOTE: The farmers market is located more exactly at intersection of Pillow Rd and Hwy 71.
  • Did you know that Austin has well over 400 charging ports for electric vehicles?
  • Did you know you can buy a tag from Austin Energy for $4.17 a month that will let you charge free at almost all of them?
  • Did you know that every EV comes with a charging cord that plugs into a regular 110V, three-prong outlet?

Come to our event and find out more about why electric vehicles make sense in Austin.

Register to attend and / or bring your own EV at the National Drive Electric Week – Austin event page.

Take a Survey to help understand decision-making when purchasing a vehicle

Michigan State University has asked us to share this survey to explore perceptions of cars and electric vehicles. Through this survey, we can better understand decision-making when purchasing a vehicle and perceptions of different charging options for electric vehicles. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this research study. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

If you own an electric vehicle (not a hybrid), please take the EV survey:


If you haven’t purchased an EV yet, please follow this link:


Everyone who takes the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon gift card.

2016 NDEW planning underway

Jennifer Lasseter has taken the lead as the Event Captain

Want to help with your time or talents? Register, Volunteer, or Contact the organizers through the NDEW website

Want to help fund the event? Donations are being accepted through the EAA chapter website